In continuation to our product series of SSG Global, today we focus on three other key products which are popular and in demand with the market and available with the company.

Detail Description
HP LAAL GHODA 20W 40 is a multigrade diesel engine oil
Recommended for use in all types of diesel engines in Trucks, Buses, MUV’s, Taxis, Tractors,Pumpsets & DG sets.
Features and Benefits
All round performance
Engine cleanliness
Efficient lubrication
Meets or Exceeds Requirement Of
Meets API CF/SF , US military MIL-L-2104B, E-DL 2/ E-PL 2, IS: 13656:2014 specification.

Super Premium Quality Synthetic Motorcycle Engine Oil for High Powered Modern Bikes
Detail Description
HP RACER SYNTH GEN6 is a super premium quality synthetic motorcycle engine oil made to cater to the highly demanding lubrication requirements of modern High Powered 4-Stroke geared bikes. It is manufactured from a synergistic blend of fully synthetic Poly Alpha Olefins (PAO) & Ester base stocks and state of art additive technology to meet the most stringent requirements of API SN as well as JASO MA 2.
HP RACER SYNTH GEN6 is recommended for new generation BS VI compliant geared 4 stroke bikes. It provides superior protection for engine, clutch and gears of the high powered motorcycles, especially those with engine displacement of 350 cc and above. Advanced synthetic formula of HP RACER SYNTH GEN6 10W-50 renders exemplary performance benefits like unmatched engine and gear protection, low volatility that lowers the oil top-up needs, smooth clutch operation and longer oil drain interval. The Shear Free formulation eliminates viscosity loss during extreme engine operating conditions ensuring the complete protection of the bikes engine.
HP RACER SYNTH GEN6 is available in 10W-50 viscometrics & is exclusively developed for high power bikes like Harley Davidson, Ducati, Royal Enfield, Yamaha, Kawasaki, KTM, etc.
Features and Benefits
Suitable for BS VI compliant bikes
Unmatched engine protection, leading to longer engine life
Negligible Viscosity loss
Ensures smooth wet-clutch operation for better pick-up
Ultimate protection to gears
Better mileage & longer oil life
Meets or Exceeds Requirement Of

Super Premium Quality SyntheticMotorcycle Engine Oil
Detail Description
HP RACER SYNTH grade is a super premium quality motorcycle engine oil formulated on synthetic technology with the most advanced additive chemistry to lead rest of the motorcycle engine oils inthe market.
The synthetic technology in HP RACER SYNTH is the key in providing unmatched Fuel Efficiency, lower oil consumption and superior film strength while lubricating the modern bikes with high power densities and elevated temperatures of operation. The cutting-edge-technology additive chemistry boosts the oil performance in rendering excellent engine cleanliness, high protection to the engine and transmission while ensuring a smooth clutch operation, vital for rapid pick-up.
HP RACER SYNTH grade is available in 10W-30 viscometrics and is recommended for BS VI Compliant new generation fuel efficient geared 4- stroke bikes. HP RACER SYNTH grade far exceeds the requirement of the bikes manufactured by HMSI, Hero MotoCorp, TVS, Bajaj, etc.
Features and Benefits
Suitable for BS VI compliant bikes
Excellent control on engine deposits
Fuel efficiency benefits
Superior protection to gears
Longer engine & oil life
Ensures smooth wet-clutch
Lower oil consumption
Meets or Exceeds Requirement Of
About the Company:
Started in Bathinda, (Punjab, India) in 2001, SSG Global Petro Pvt Ltd is one of the most eminent distributor of wide variety of Petroleum and Lubricant Products in North Punjab, Haryana and HP. They have been providing high quality petroleum products and excellent service over the years now. A family-owned business ably led by their managing director, Mr Anil Garg, SSG Global contributes towards the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Micro Small Enterprises (MSE) in North Punjab, Haryana and HP.
SSG Global Petro Pvt. Ltd as a whole consists of a myriad of products and services that have consistently favoured the interests of the clients they have earned through their remarkable dedication and sensitivity. With an inspiring and committed workforce and a leader with strong moral values, SSG Global Petro Pvt. Ltd strives to work towards a more sustainable and well-deserved future.
To know more or for trade enquiries, visit or contact at +91 – 8437008543.